
Girish’s paper on electrical probing and tuning of molecular physisorption on graphene is accepted by Nano Letters. Congratulations!


Qiushu’s paper on FRET optofluidic lasers with quantum dots as the donor is accepted by Lab on a Chip. Congratulations!


Hengky’s paper on reconfigurable dye-doped polymer ring resonator lasers is accepted by Scientific Reports. Congratulations!


Dr. Gong’s paper on using a ring resonator for accurate flow rate measurement is accepted by Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Congratulations!


Our theoretical work on FRET laser in photonic devices and biosensing is accepted by IEEE Journal of Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.


Our work on optofluidic laser arrays using stable Fabry-Perot cavities with a Q of half a million, a finesse of 4000, and a mode volume of a few fL is accepted by Lab on a Chip.


Hongbo’s paper on “Microfluidic photo-ionization detector” is accepted by Lab on a Chip. Congratulations!